Good Read: AI Adoption Skyrocketed Over the Last 18 Months

This is a brief and interesting article by Joe McKendrick an independent researcher and speaker exploring innovation, information technology trends and markets, published on HBR online on the 27th of September, 2021.

If you are interested in, how AI may affect your business, or how it can help you , this article offers a broad overview of how companies have adopted it since the start of Covid-19.

Though it is a nice read here is a quick summary:

It lists 7 lessons that have been taken since Covid-19 started and mentions some examples, as to how a great percentage of companies have stepped up using AI and are implementing more and more data driven processes.

The Lessons

  1. Business leaders understand firsthand the power and potential of analytics and AI on their businesses. 
  2. AI is instrumental in alleviating skills shortages. 
  3. AI and analytics are boosting productivity.
  4. AI and analytics are delivering new products and services.
  5. AI accentuates corporate values. 
  6. AI and analytics are addressing supply chain issues.
  7. AI is fueling startups, while helping companies manage disruption. 

Some Interesting Points from The Article

  • That AI has become instrumental in alleviating skills shortages, one example being the ever-increasing use of chatbots, etc.
  • How Frito-Lay company implemented a new digital direct to consumer business compressing a 5-year plan in just 30 days during the pandemic.
  • The concept of “Responsible AI” and how AI accentuates corporate values and company processes.

Here is the article:

Snashot of article page

Worth reading: Stop worshipping unicorns. Your firm can be entrepreneurial | London Business School

Excellent article on corporate entrepreneurship by Professor Gary Hamel and Anna Johnston.

Where they make a point about some of the fallacies that large companies are at a disadvantage to be entrepreneurial.

The article gives insight into Haier’s corporate structure and approach to make its employees effectifely act like they were their own start-ups.

Source: Stop worshipping unicorns. Your firm can be entrepreneurial | London Business School

Company Culture is it Important?

The term Culture is a rather fluffy term, that can be described manyfold and is different from company to company. Some evolve and others are intentionally created. Fact is that leaders often do not take into account the importance that this element does have.

What some people say about it

To give you a better idea rather than just a definition, here are some good quotes from the blog post 37 Company Culture Quotes That Will Inspire Your Team by Cassie Patton.

The most relevant from the list in my opinion are these for any entrepreneur and business:

“Corporate culture is the only sustainable competitive advantage that is completely within the control of the entrepreneur.”

– David Cummings, Co-Founder, Pardot

“There’s no magic formula for great company culture. The key is just to treat your staff how you would like to be treated.”

– Richard Branson, Founder, Virgin Group

“Shaping your culture is more than half done when you hire your team.”

– Jessica Herrin, Founder, Stella & Dot

Strategy & company performance

Also to highlight the importance even more, yesterday I read an interesting post by Ferhat Demir on Linkedin where he wrote about designing strategy driven businesses. In his article he makes a point about the elements, which are crucial to be considered and the one which is most critical to develop and include, Culture.

Here is a link to his article and a link to another that is interesting too, because it lists several studies about the importance of company culture in businesses and the positive impact they have. The 7 studies that the author lists are from companies like Bain & Company, Deloitte and other institutions and journals.

Thanks to the authors for the interesting articles and sources of information!!

Leaders potential to shape

I once read that a company becomes the extension of an entrepreneur. I do not remember where I read it, but he or she brand so to say the venture. I totally agree with this statement. From experience I can say that the it is true.

In addition to this and in line with the third quote I have listed above, the founders as well as the other members of the initial team shape the structure, processes and systems that influence the internal atmosphere and attitudes of people. So if you are an entrepreneur, think of how your actions and choice of team may influence the long term Culture.

Another thing that I have also seen and found interesting is that it is possible to find different cultures in the same company. Subcultures so to say, these I think result most of the time either from the people in charge or even specific respected individuals not necessarily in direct management positions. Such people have an impact on Culture with their values and actions and set the example.

To me most of the times a company culture is the result of the values and ethics from the people who lead by example so to say. As the saying goes “you reap what you sow.” To give you one example of this, if you want people to work autonomously and think on their own feet and act, you have to teach how to think, give them freedom to explore, trust and the right to make mistakes, otherwise you will always have to look over everything and this is will not be possible once the company starts growing.

Some ending thoughts

Companies are made of people. It all starts with people and ends with people. Whether you want to create a company or you want to run an established one you have to work through people to achieve goals. If you aim to create lasting change the same applies to any area inside and outside a business.

The need to understand the Culture one wants or which already exists are essential to be able to achieve any specific goal. If an existing Culture does not suit the objective one needs to understand how the other elements like Structure, Systems, Strategy and Leadership affect it, and if necessary change them correspondingly

What do you think? Do you think that you affect the company Culture in your position? What is it that you consider the most important element within your company’s Culture? I would be curious to hear your thoughts about it.

A good read: Being a Successful Entrepreneur Isn’t Only About Having the Best Ideas

The other day I read this article: Being a Successful Entrepreneur Isn’t Only About Having the Best Ideas

I think it is a good read for anyone with an idea he thinks is viable.


“…without the capacity to execute an idea — to take an idea and turn it into a living, breathing, viable organization — you’re doomed to fail.”

— Andy Molinsky

Source: Being a Successful Entrepreneur Isn’t Only About Having the Best Ideas

5 Common Excuses for not Doing a Business Plan

5 Excuses for not doing a business plan you can avoid!

I have often been presented with business ideas for which no serious business plan had been prepared for. When I asked whether they had done a business plan, the excuses I most often got were almost always the same. If any of these sounds familiar, let me walk you through as to why you do need a plan and refer you to some other useful articles and resources.

5 Excuses for not doing a business plan picture

The Excuses

1. “I am an expert, I got a great idea, I got contacts, etc …”

It is possible that everything is true and that you are all set up for success, but I know from experience that sometimes too much confidence can be the greatest blindfold. Continue reading

Looking for solutions or ideas? A step by step approach

Ideas search


The other day I was talking to a friend who is currently trying to solve a major technical problem of a product. From what he mentioned this problem had already been challenging others for some years. He did not know where to start due to the complexity of the task. I am no engineer but at my work I have had to solve complex problems too, so I mentioned my approach to him.

Until today I had never thought about the process I followed since it always appeared to me as an exercise of common sense and keeping an open mind.

An Open Mind

Whatever you try to solve, start out with an open mind. I mean by this to start out with the following assumptions:

  • Everything can be improved but first it must be understood
  • You are not the first one who has had this problem
  • There may already be a different approach that can work
  • You do not know everything
  • Sometimes a good solution is better than a perfect solution
  • There is no such thing as a dumb question

By keeping an open mind and not taking things for granted you are capable of three things: Continue reading

THE WEB: A tool or a place?

Is it a dumb question?

It may sound like a dumb question but it can be both and even more things.

The WEB is more and more part of our lives so that it deserves a place by itself among the things that everyone should know how to use. I do not consider myself an expert here but rather a skilled user. Can we live without it today and still remain part of our modern society? Nope.

It is a place… one click away

There are more than 3 billion people online today and the number is rising daily. Social networks, e-commerce, learning, etc. People go online to meet others, to interact, to learn, to play etc. More importantly it is the new face for many company’s that want to reach out to their customers 24 by 7, 365 days a year. It is many people’s face if they are involved socially in networks or your store’s front when selling goods online, etc.

For example, if you want to get information on the last tax changes, you go to your local IRS online office site. You want to order some food, you can go to your favorite place online place, the order and have it delivered. You want to visit a location before traveling their, you can. You go to Google Earth and see how it looks like. In a way you are always just one click away.

It is a tool

If you want to sell or be known you need to be online in some form or an another. The fact that so many people spend more and more time in front of those screens means that they are spending less going to actual places. Take me for example, I often am online for:

  • Information for my work
  • Things to buy online
  • Plan a trip
  • Communicate with my friends and family
  • Check email
  • Learn and study
  • Read news articles
  • Watch movies

It serves all these purposes just to name a few. If you are a business it is a mandatory to be present online to sell your brand, attract followers, new customers, etc.

Why learn more than just to use it?

More and more careers are connected or directly involved in the WEB. Programming, marketing, sales, etc. are becoming increasingly web dependent. You possibly use a computer for work, or at least to do some shopping online from time to time, in addition to your email you also may access the bank from there.

You can benefit from the Web whether you are an individual or a company, for example:

  • Getting new leads or job-offers
  • Connecting with other people
  • Promoting your own brand
  • Saving money, time, and effort on all your activities online

Is it expensive or difficult?

Nope, not at all. As for money, you can start out free and move to paid options with time. I know companies who decided to be present just in social networks and not have a website with their own blog. These companies set up their business online entirely for free, and just invested the time to learn how to use it and run it.

Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin have all free start packages. You can have your own blog for free or just register for low cost hosting services at I for instance use 1and1 and it costs me about 1 Euro a month, which comes with an additional registered domain name.

As for difficulty, The social networks are fairly intuitive and setting up a blog of your own in some companies can be as easy as dragging and dropping elements  to create your blog.

So why don’t you try and see for yourself?