Blogging: Should I?

Blogging: Should I?

I guess this is something some of us wonder. Is it worth the effort? The time?

Fair questions but something you should look into if you are serious about creating your own personal brand.

I have a tendency to be a perfeccionist but I think that some things you need to get your hands dirty with to get better and learn by doing, and it seems to me that blogginf falls into this category.

This article may encourage some to start doing it instead of over doing it and spending too much time on preparation and start creating content and sharing your thoughts, interests, etc.

Give it a read and maybe you will find it interesting too.



5 Common Excuses for not Doing a Business Plan

5 Excuses for not doing a business plan you can avoid!

I have often been presented with business ideas for which no serious business plan had been prepared for. When I asked whether they had done a business plan, the excuses I most often got were almost always the same. If any of these sounds familiar, let me walk you through as to why you do need a plan and refer you to some other useful articles and resources.

5 Excuses for not doing a business plan picture

The Excuses

1. “I am an expert, I got a great idea, I got contacts, etc …”

It is possible that everything is true and that you are all set up for success, but I know from experience that sometimes too much confidence can be the greatest blindfold. Continue reading

How to and why to learn to work smarter with EXCEL

How and why Excel

The other day I was asked about my EXCEL skills. I have been using this program since my time in college and I have come to appreciate the benefit of investing some more time in it.

I think that everybody should know a little more about its use and benefits and get some tips to start learning. However the best is to start with an example of its potential.

From 10 to 3 minutes

If you could reduce the time you spend doing a task from 10 minutes to 3, would you? I definitely would, and often have had to, to stay sane.

You probably may think that this is not much of a deal, to save 7 minutes. However what if you had to do this 100 times in a row? You would save 700 minutes, almost 12 hours.

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Looking for solutions or ideas? A step by step approach

Ideas search


The other day I was talking to a friend who is currently trying to solve a major technical problem of a product. From what he mentioned this problem had already been challenging others for some years. He did not know where to start due to the complexity of the task. I am no engineer but at my work I have had to solve complex problems too, so I mentioned my approach to him.

Until today I had never thought about the process I followed since it always appeared to me as an exercise of common sense and keeping an open mind.

An Open Mind

Whatever you try to solve, start out with an open mind. I mean by this to start out with the following assumptions:

  • Everything can be improved but first it must be understood
  • You are not the first one who has had this problem
  • There may already be a different approach that can work
  • You do not know everything
  • Sometimes a good solution is better than a perfect solution
  • There is no such thing as a dumb question

By keeping an open mind and not taking things for granted you are capable of three things: Continue reading

Why another language?

Why should you?

Many people think that knowing English is sufficient. I disagree and some reasons to learn a new language are:

  • Capacity to understand and communicate with people from different backgrounds.
  • Potential plus when being considered for promotions in a company.
  • To use for work.
  • To travel to or live in a foreign country.
  • To use in negotiations.

If you work in the international scene every language becomes a major plus. I have worked in business and used German, English, Spanish and French over extended periods of time interchangeably, and can only recommend it.

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This Website

With my articles I want you to save time, learn something new or read something interesting.

To give you an overview I will start creating content about:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Management and business in general
  • Creativity
  • Learning
  • Helpful tools
  • Canary Islands
  • Social Media
  • Webdesign
  • Programming
  • Current ideas
  • etc.

Some of these are new for myself too, so that I will share what I learn. In other areas I know more from my experience, work or because I am passionate about them.

Well then, welcome and enjoy.
