Good read: AI – Summarizing Books with Human Feedback


“Summarizing Books with Human Feedback” was published on It is a quick read, very clear and well written. They share some examples from on how they had AI summarizing books. In the article they give the example of the classic “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, by Lewis Carroll which they used to test it.

They briefly explain their recursive approach and how they include human feedback during the process evaluating the AI’s summarys.

First edition Bookcover Image modified with AI tools from Corel Painter 2021

They also include a link to their official research paper written by Jeff Wu, Long Ouyang, Daniel M. Ziegler, Nisan Stiennon, Ryan Lowe, Jan Leike, Paul Christiano

In my opinion it is an impressive task that has been achieved so far. Though there is still lots to improve from briefly looking at the summaries, to have AI summarizing books is still impressive.

It is a remarkable work that I think can have great application especially for technical texts in my opinion, though for fiction texts I think it will not be as applicable. I wish I had had this tool when I was studying to double check my summaries.

I believe that the summaries lack some human touch but this is logic. However this is very subjective though from my side.

Good Read: AI Adoption Skyrocketed Over the Last 18 Months

This is a brief and interesting article by Joe McKendrick an independent researcher and speaker exploring innovation, information technology trends and markets, published on HBR online on the 27th of September, 2021.

If you are interested in, how AI may affect your business, or how it can help you , this article offers a broad overview of how companies have adopted it since the start of Covid-19.

Though it is a nice read here is a quick summary:

It lists 7 lessons that have been taken since Covid-19 started and mentions some examples, as to how a great percentage of companies have stepped up using AI and are implementing more and more data driven processes.

The Lessons

  1. Business leaders understand firsthand the power and potential of analytics and AI on their businesses. 
  2. AI is instrumental in alleviating skills shortages. 
  3. AI and analytics are boosting productivity.
  4. AI and analytics are delivering new products and services.
  5. AI accentuates corporate values. 
  6. AI and analytics are addressing supply chain issues.
  7. AI is fueling startups, while helping companies manage disruption. 

Some Interesting Points from The Article

  • That AI has become instrumental in alleviating skills shortages, one example being the ever-increasing use of chatbots, etc.
  • How Frito-Lay company implemented a new digital direct to consumer business compressing a 5-year plan in just 30 days during the pandemic.
  • The concept of “Responsible AI” and how AI accentuates corporate values and company processes.

Here is the article:

Snashot of article page