Good Read: AI Adoption Skyrocketed Over the Last 18 Months

This is a brief and interesting article by Joe McKendrick an independent researcher and speaker exploring innovation, information technology trends and markets, published on HBR online on the 27th of September, 2021.

If you are interested in, how AI may affect your business, or how it can help you , this article offers a broad overview of how companies have adopted it since the start of Covid-19.

Though it is a nice read here is a quick summary:

It lists 7 lessons that have been taken since Covid-19 started and mentions some examples, as to how a great percentage of companies have stepped up using AI and are implementing more and more data driven processes.

The Lessons

  1. Business leaders understand firsthand the power and potential of analytics and AI on their businesses. 
  2. AI is instrumental in alleviating skills shortages. 
  3. AI and analytics are boosting productivity.
  4. AI and analytics are delivering new products and services.
  5. AI accentuates corporate values. 
  6. AI and analytics are addressing supply chain issues.
  7. AI is fueling startups, while helping companies manage disruption. 

Some Interesting Points from The Article

  • That AI has become instrumental in alleviating skills shortages, one example being the ever-increasing use of chatbots, etc.
  • How Frito-Lay company implemented a new digital direct to consumer business compressing a 5-year plan in just 30 days during the pandemic.
  • The concept of “Responsible AI” and how AI accentuates corporate values and company processes.

Here is the article:

Snashot of article page

Humans and the Planet: Forests disappearing

Forests disappearing

Photo by David Geere on Unsplash

It is a more than evident fact that humans are having an effect on the planet. One example the forests of the world are disappearing. Fires, logging, human settlement expansion, converting forest into pastures for cattle are just a few causes for it. The one thing they all have in common is that these are the result of conscious human acts. Sad to say forests are just one example.

What drives this destruction?

Sad to say, most often then not it is for short term monetary revenues of individuals and companies, to satisfy our lifestyle. Forests are converted into a quick source of income, living space, etc.

These short term goals do not grasp the long term repercussions that they have and the fact that these acts of destruction likely have negative effects on our own future as a species.

“What we are doing to the forests of the world, is but a reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.”

Mahatma Gandhi

When I read this quote by Mahatma Gandhi, I thought that it captured the essence of the problem. We are living in a world where we as a species are creating a world through destruction and not through living in harmony with our surrounding.

We are playing god in a way. We are consuming the resources without replenishing them. We are polluting the air, the water in our strive to develop, to expand and to live as a species. But what about the others species? The plants the animals? The insects? We trample their existence, in our eagerness to develop through genius we are just demonstrating our ingenuity, that we are nothing but blind to the obvious.

The world is our home, we do not have the right to destroy it since we are not the only living beings and without everything that comprises nature its plants, animals and insects, we will not only impoverish our own existence but likely endanger that of our future generations.

It is a paradise, a treasure trove worth saving.

Photos by Baciu Cristian Mihai, Kishore Ragav Ganesh Kumar, Daniel Seßler, Florian Schneider, Niels van Altena on Unsplash

The world our responsibility

Humans as a species have been gifted with the conscious intellect to inflict change and to create. Humans can take an idea and make it reality which is creating an abstract thought and make it material, like gods.

“Great power involves great responsibility.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt

The world is our playground but we forget that this power bears with it an incredible responsibility. Our intellect can create both good and evil, and our steps as a species need to be taken cautiously. The first thing however we need to learn is respect, and take care of the treasure trove of our planet.

Would you not agree that this world is worth it and that there is a different way to live and to grow? Respectful of the planet?



Why bother to learn a programming language?

You are staring at a screen right now and it has been made with such languages. You use it every day, so why not learn a little more about them? They are used in your everyday life and they make it easier for you to do your work, browse on the internet, send an email, etc. They are essentially key to everything we do online, on a computer, on your mobile phone, etc.


Photo by Javier Esteban on Unsplash

Where to start?

If you want to check it out, start by those most used online. There is so much information online that you can easily learn more about them. They are:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Another language worth starting with for its readability and ease of learning is Python. It is similar to JavaScript in several ways and it is used also in many other fields not related to the web, like statistical analysis,etc. ….. besides you can learn to do some really fancy things with it, and possibly open new job opportunities.

Here is a good place to start with:

Otherwise you can look for some courses online:

As for me, I am going for it.



Tackling Problems: Plastic – An Example from Guatemala

Tackling Problems: Plastic - An Example from Guatemala

I saw this video yesterday, it impressed me for two reasons.

  1. It shows that modern societies problems can be tackled with common sense and a joined will.
  2. The importance of clear priorities no matter the economic cost, in this case respecting nature and safe guarding it.

A Remarkable Example

These people have given it a shot, an entire community joining together and banning the use of plastic, so that their future generations can enjoy their living place as they do.

In essence going back former consumption habits and valuing nature, the environment and acting accordingly out of respect to its resources. It is an example of the movement of an entire community including its leaders wholeheartedly supporting this commitment.

Technologically innovative?

Not at all since they are going back to the former ways of their people. In essence by looking back to former ways they tackle a problem without sophisticated technologies.

The innovativeness here in my opinion stems from the fact that they have banned the use of plastic in an entire community. Radical but see and judge for yourself.


Do you know of other examples? What do you think of this?

Good Reads: A small town in Japan doubles its fertility rate

Some time ago I read this article and I found it a good one, yesterday I bumped into it again.

I enjoy looking at how people, groups, institutions, etc. tackle problems of importance. For me this is an interesting article, since I believe focuses on an important problem more mature societies face: low fertility or birth rates.

There usually is much buzz about innovation, and many believe that it is only very novel things or approaches that can be called so, when sometimes it is actually just common sense, which are different just because nobody else exectuted.

Great article article of the 9th of January 2018 by the Economist: “A small town in Japan doubles its fertility rate”.

This case is a perfect example of how you can make an impact with common sense incentives, something countries like Spain could learn from.



Worth reading: Stop worshipping unicorns. Your firm can be entrepreneurial | London Business School

Excellent article on corporate entrepreneurship by Professor Gary Hamel and Anna Johnston.

Where they make a point about some of the fallacies that large companies are at a disadvantage to be entrepreneurial.

The article gives insight into Haier’s corporate structure and approach to make its employees effectifely act like they were their own start-ups.

Source: Stop worshipping unicorns. Your firm can be entrepreneurial | London Business School

Worth reading: How Resilience Works by Diane Coutu (HBR)

Excellent article on resilient people and companies.

What is meant by resilience, what traits make it up, can it be taught, examples, etc.
Definetly worth a read.


Resilience is a reflex, a way of facing and understanding the world, that is deeply etched into a person’s mind and soul. Resilient people and companies face reality with staunchness, make meaning of hardship instead of crying out in despair, and improvise solutions from thin air

Source: How Resilience Works