A good read: Being a Successful Entrepreneur Isn’t Only About Having the Best Ideas

The other day I read this article: Being a Successful Entrepreneur Isn’t Only About Having the Best Ideas

I think it is a good read for anyone with an idea he thinks is viable.


“…without the capacity to execute an idea — to take an idea and turn it into a living, breathing, viable organization — you’re doomed to fail.”

— Andy Molinsky

Source: Being a Successful Entrepreneur Isn’t Only About Having the Best Ideas

Blogging: Should I?

Blogging: Should I?

I guess this is something some of us wonder. Is it worth the effort? The time?

Fair questions but something you should look into if you are serious about creating your own personal brand.

I have a tendency to be a perfeccionist but I think that some things you need to get your hands dirty with to get better and learn by doing, and it seems to me that blogginf falls into this category.

This article may encourage some to start doing it instead of over doing it and spending too much time on preparation and start creating content and sharing your thoughts, interests, etc.

Give it a read and maybe you will find it interesting too.




Why not participate in a competition for new ideas or products?

Recently I heard through Facebook about a competition held by Clas Ohlson for new sustainable living products that they would incorporate into their offering

I thought about it and told myself why not take part?

Well I got in touch with some friends of mine and we are now looking for ideas.

How about you why don’t you give it a shot too. Its fun and interesting besides it can lead to great things, like maybe a new business idea. So what is holding you back, you have got nothing to loose and all to gain!

Clas Ohlson Product Innovation Challenge


Note: screenshot taken from https://www.clasohlsoninnovation.com/


Tips to be creative

Tips to be creative

Are you creative or can you be creative?

I have met people who say that they are not creative. They accept things as given and do not even try to be. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy so to say. They will never come up with a bright idea because they do not consider even having one.

Ironically there are others, who when confronted with a problem, do not step back but step forward. They do not accept the status quo and give it a shot. They think of finding a solution and the fear of ridicule and failure is secondary. Some of the greatest inventors had hundreds of ideas before they came up with one bright one. This group creates the other stagnates.

What’s the difference between the two? — Their mindset.

“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try” – Dr. Seuss

Creativity is just another skill

I have always been considered creative by others. In school it was because I was good at drawing and later at work, it was because I came up with solutions. Continue reading

Looking for solutions or ideas? A step by step approach

Ideas search


The other day I was talking to a friend who is currently trying to solve a major technical problem of a product. From what he mentioned this problem had already been challenging others for some years. He did not know where to start due to the complexity of the task. I am no engineer but at my work I have had to solve complex problems too, so I mentioned my approach to him.

Until today I had never thought about the process I followed since it always appeared to me as an exercise of common sense and keeping an open mind.

An Open Mind

Whatever you try to solve, start out with an open mind. I mean by this to start out with the following assumptions:

  • Everything can be improved but first it must be understood
  • You are not the first one who has had this problem
  • There may already be a different approach that can work
  • You do not know everything
  • Sometimes a good solution is better than a perfect solution
  • There is no such thing as a dumb question

By keeping an open mind and not taking things for granted you are capable of three things: Continue reading